The Collette Health Way

Collette Health is proud to serve over 150 hospitals and partner with 12 leading healthcare systems across the nation, delivering cutting-edge solutions that address some of the most pressing challenges in the industry. Our innovative approach, driven by AI-enabled continuous virtual observation, clinician observers, and actionable analytics, not only tackles staffing shortages head-on but also empowers healthcare professionals to provide more proactive care, leading to improved patient satisfaction, reduced falls, and lower costs. Download the ebook today and take the first step toward transforming your healthcare institution.
In this ebook, we unveil the key insights and strategies that have made Collette Health a game-changer in healthcare. Explore a few of our many success stories and discover how we can revolutionize patient care and enhance your healthcare facility's performance.
- 99.9% + uptime
- 5 HCAHPS scores influences
- 1.5M+ hours of patient observation
- 10:1 staff to virtual observer cost-savings